Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hanging in Nome

When I arrived in Nome, Ron and I spent the night at the Aurora Hotel. That is where I did my front dive with a half twist and ruptured a disc in my back. When I went in, I stood over the tile where I lay and had flash backs,
Our room was on the first floor, no stairs. Woo Hoo!
The next day we hung around town, ate breakfast at Airport Pizza...everyone's favorite. Then lunch at a Chinese/Japanese place where I had jalepeno peppers. I am questioning...Chinese or Japanese? hum Anyone knows, please let me know.

Then we had four hours until the movie started (lemon). Really nothing to do.. no really.. seriously, nothing to do. So we parked seaside, opened the doors, let the cool breeze flow through and slept for about 3 hours. We were in heaven. What a wonderful glass of lemonade.

Then we went to Subway for dinner, then entered the movie theater entrance in the back of Subway. No really.. in the back..seriously... the back of Subway. It has theater seating. And the movie was in 3D. We were uptown, sort of.

Oh... and they clean the theater out once a day I think. Glad we got there early, the best seats and the movie filled up. Wow! Here are some pictures of our tour of Nome while hanging out. There are a lot of fishermen and gold diggers in town. Just like on tv. The fishermen looked like fishermen. And the gold digger/dredger guys talked about gold. They dredge the bottom of the river looking for riches. They find gold, but I don't think they are rich.

The red ship is the Coast Guard hanging around since there are a lot of newbies in town. It was strange seeing so many different people here, not the normal Alaskans.
One of the dredger boats was home made. Kind of like the pictures you see... you are a redneck if....Well he had a floating device with a vacuum device on the front with a sifter thing... the captain's cabin is made out of plywood. The name is Gold Dog. There is a pix of it with the orange life saver by the door. He found a puddle of gold the day before, and his carburetor fell off. I am not sure how he could mad lemonade out of that one.

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