Thursday, May 26, 2011

My New Blog

I am back in Kansas City visit my children and grandchildren, friends, . How fun this is. Watch baseball, soccer, and playing with me. That, of course, is the most important, playing with Grandma.

Can you believe I get lost driving around? I can. the kids have a problem imagining me getting lost. Well, it is true.
I haven't driven for 9 months. Teller has nothing and nowhere to drive. I walk everywhere, and there is no where to walk. So there you go. It is really hard to get lost when there are 3 roads that run parallel. One is on the waterfront, a middle and the other side road. I lived on the middle road next to the Post Office a couple blocks from the Teller Native Store.
Now I live at the end of the "other side road". 100 or less steps from school.
Now it is a long walk to the Post Office or the Native Store. At least it seems that way, but it really isn't.
Ron has stayed in Alaska for further training and to hunt and fish. You know, "man stuff".
I made sure he has a camera so he can keep the pictures coming.

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