Friday, July 22, 2011

Leaving the heat and humidity

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am leaving for Alaska on Wednesday morning, EARLY Wednesday morning. I am very happy about heading to the cool weather and quiet, no cars, no muzak, no Walmart (that will save me a LOT of money). I have decided to purchase enough food here and flat rate mail it to AK to last a long time. Ron will probably flip and the boxes keep coming and coming and coming. Heck, it is cheap here, even with the shipping. We may actually lose weight with some vegetables. Imagine that. However, I believe the whites around his eyes will show and being the nice person he is, he wont say anything. And I wont know where to store all this stuff.
Tip: Use flat boxes from the post office to mail things to me. You know, like chicken, gravy mixes, Bisquick, you know, stuff like that. Next.... ALASKA!!!

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