Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lunch Lady

Yes, if you haven't heard, I now have a job, Lunch Lady at the Head Start building. I spent all of last week in Nome. Now, they made it sound a lot harder than I thought.

I should have taken some pictures of me sitting in a kid chair and kid table. That hurt.

I did find out I have to wear a hairnet. Yep, the ol' hair net. She stated very clearly that even if you are bald you have to wear a hair net. I promise, I PROMISE I will post a picture of me and my hair net. That will be a winner for sure.

I start tomorrow. Let the games begin. Wednesday, first day with kids to feed. Tuna sandwiches. YEA! Sounds ezy, let's hope. Then Thursday is chicken noodle. Nope, not a can, A real chicken boiled, deboned,just like Grandma used to make. I will let you know how it works out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Teller Tourette

I took a different route today. I found an old sea wall, looks like 55 gallon barrels that have been there a verrryyyy loonngg time, they are now rusty rings, for the most part. Looking down past that was the beautiful seaside, gorgeous blue little blue sea foam waves. Then the other way I see a cove. Took a picture, but it is a bit fuzzy. I will have to take that walk soon, it is going to get cold.

Now.. the next frontier. I am going to have to go with Ron, the locals say that wolves hang out back there and you need to carry a rifle. Since I carry a camera, I think the wolf would win. Actually, I am sure the wolf would win.

Then I took this picture, trying out a new filter, it looks like a sea of diamonds. Wow!

Full Gulls, Fat, Satisfied and Hanging Out

After the drive thru (fly thru) feeding frenzy, I hung out. Everything and everybody quieted down. The water was still, the gulls were just paddling around posing for me. It was so beautiful.

And people wonder why anyone would move to Alaska. Even though this village has some rust on/in it, there are still some beautiful things to see.

Snacking Seagulls

As I am watching Ron clean the fish, the seagulls are circling and hanging out waiting for the spoils. This is the Drive Thru of seagull nibbling. One quarter pound head please, and a large order of salmon eggs. No, nothing to drink, thank you.

Gone Fishin' Instead of Just a Wishin'

Warning: The fish were not hurt in the production of "Gone Fishin".. There was professional supervision on site during the filming. As you can see, The fisherman, played by "Ron", truly loves the salmon as you can see by the final scene (first photo).
Ron tried snagging the salmon. Some folks here were helping him learn. Look at the water, see the little ripples, an occasional big ripple in the little ripples, throw your line in with the treble snag hook and snag one, reel it in. You may have to run ahead a bit to stay with the school. Ron was not lucky enough to snag any. I was with him, taking pictures, asking the folks what to look for in the water. They explained it to me. Ok... some kids were throwing rocks in the water, I asked if that would make a difference when reading the water? They said yes. So now, I really don't know what to look for. Darn.

As you know, Teller is on a spit. Kind of like a sandbar jetting out between 3 bodies of water. One side is fresh water one side is salt. Snagging is legal only on the fresh water side. Interesting huh?

Once the salmon are done running, they go upstream and die. When that happens, we are told that it REALLY STINKS going over that bridge. I may or may not take pictures. Depends on how long I can hold my breath. I may hang my camera out the van door and click fast, see what I get. Good luck to me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Babbling Brooks

We stopped at every creek, brook and river (different names for the same babbling waters). Lots of rain, lots of babbles. Beautiful! The picture with Ron filling a bottle of water is Wooly River..Creek, something... has drinking water, better than we have here in Teller.